Our Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
The Rental Agreement with us: RNG CLASSICS | SELF DRIVE CLASSIC CARS
All hirers agree to our terms and conditions at the point of settling our Invoice / Hire receipt wherein a link is sent view. Pre hire we require a signature on a set of paper copies too.
Hirers are requested to read carefully and accept these ‘Terms and Conditions’ before any hire can take place. If there is anything you do not understand or do not agree with, please speak to us before the hire proceeds.
Vehicle Availability:
Whilst every effort will be made to provide the exact make and model reserved for hire on the booked date, it may be that a similar or better vehicle will be offered. Or can be rebooked to another suitable date if there has been unforseen circumstances, mechanical or electrical fault with the car on the hire date.
If intense inclement weather does not suit a particular car that could be over 50 years old, we reserve the right to change vehicle for the sake of its lasting preservation. This may be in extreme circumstances and with 48 hours notice from RNG.
If the vehicle develops a fault during hire we must be notified. We can then either look to replace the vehicle to continue the hire period. Or in extreme circumstances we will need to action our AA Fleet cover to attend the vehicle for possible investigation and repair, or look to recover back to Surrey base or suitable location for RNG Classics.
Breakdowns can happen, unfortunately. If your hire is cut short due to a breakdown, mechanical failure, or electrical issue we will always look to make sure you have time in that car again. Or another of our fleet. If you are already (halfway) 50% into the hire period we do not action refunds but arrange the car again for a later date. Or as a gesture another of our fleet that we discuss and choose with you.
Hire refund if requested by hirer, will be subject to an admin cost of £250 for diary replanning, insurance and logistical changes. Cancellations strictly must me made in writing 7 days before the date of hire.
Your driving licence must be produced each and every time you hire a vehicle from us. In addition, you must produce two further means of identification, which must include a utility bill to you at your present address or an official letter to you at your present address. You will also be required to leave a telephone number where you can be contacted either during the day or evening.
**We reserve the right to refuse your rental if you do not produce your driving licence or ID for any other reason**
Driving Licence:
All drivers must be in possession of a current, full valid driving licence. UK Licence holders, with the new style driving licence MUST produce both the photo card. Drivers with foreign driving licences must present their own national licence. (an extra insurance policy fee is required to cover international licenses ranging from £150 to £250 per license)
Additional drivers:
In addition to the main hirer, it is possible for one other driver to be insured to drive the vehicle, provided they meet our insurance requirements. And show us their valid UK license with no higher than 6 points, over 25 and under 75 Further drivers beyond two will be charged according to our insurance policy.
We will note on the pre-rental checks the reading of the fuel gauge. You are requested to return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel as you commenced the rental. A refuelling charge will be made if it is necessary to bring the level of fuel up to where it was when you took the vehicle.
The new E10 petrol must not be used in any of our cars. This will result in possible mechanical damage and engine failure. Only SUPER UNLEADED E5 (97 or 99 Ron) or the higher octane fuel can be used in our vehicles. Charges for this will be in line with the price at the pump and you will have it automatically debited from your card. No refund will be given for any fuel in excess of the original reading.
Mileage allowance:
We allow for 100 miles travel per day in all of our fleet – extra mileage is charged at £3 per mile. Inform us if you intend to go a little over the milage allowance and we can be flexible and chat that over before end of hire.
The full cost of rental plus the relevant security deposit must be paid before any vehicle is released for rental. Cleared funds if paying by bank transfer. Confirmation of payment if paying by credit card.
Delivery and collection to a home, or location other than handover with us in Surrey is charged depending on the distance. And agreed with our team up front pre hire. Typically £199-249 drop and collection cost in the Home Counties or London.
Cancellations if necessary need to be made in writing to us 7 days before the hire date. This is because we will have made logistical plans around your booking and may have had to cancel other hires to suit yours. We can either rebook your date or create a voucher for later use
Your responsibilities:
You must look after the vehicle, and the keys to the vehicle. Lost keys will be charged at £250 per set. You must always lock the vehicle when you are not using it, and use any security device fitted to or supplied with the vehicle.
You must always protect the vehicle against bad weather, which can cause damage to a classic car due to seals and door shuts not being as watertight as modern cars.
You must make sure that you use the correct fuel, as you are responsible for any resultant damage.
You must not sell, rent or dispose of the vehicle or any of its parts.
If you wash the car via valet or jetwash and damage is caused this will be your responsibility and will effect the security / damage deposit that you pay.
You must not give anyone any legal rights over the vehicle.
You must not let anyone work on the vehicle without our permission. If we do give you permission, we will only give you a refund if you have a receipt for the work done.
You must let us know as soon as you become aware of a fault in the vehicle. Failure to do this may result in further charges due to damage caused by negligence.
What to do if there is an incident or accident:
If there is an incident resulting in any damage to any vehicle we will hold your pre authorisation until the insurers have resolved the issue.
If damage to our vehicle due to an incident is proved to be a 3rd party at fault and all other matters have been cleared with the insurers your deposit will be refunded.
- Hirers accept full liability for cosmetic and mechanical damaged caused by negligence.
- If you have an incident call us immediately – failure to do so will result in the loss of the security deposit.
- You will be responsible for covering our insurance excess (up to £6000) if it is proven that a hirer was the cause of an accident through reckless, careless or negligent driving of our vehicle.
- If you have an incident you must not admit responsibility. You should get the names and addresses of
everyone involved, including witnesses. You should also:
1. Make the vehicle secure
2. Tell the police straight away if anyone is injured or if there is a disagreement over who is responsible; and
3. Call our number 0777 979 3509 straight away.
4. You must then fill in our incident report form when you return the vehicle. If this is not possible, verbal
details can be taken from you but a copy of the information you have supplied will need to be verified and
signed by you. - 5. In either case you must report the incident to us immediately.
Conditions for using the vehicle:
Only you or a named driver on the insurance application may drive the vehicle providing a full valid driving licence is held.
You are tracked via GPS tracker, this tracks location and speed. Any attempt to remove the tracker will result in an alert to us.
You or your authorised named driver must not: Use the vehicle for hire or reward. Unless this extension has been applied to your certificate of insurance;
- Use the vehicle for any illegal purposes.
- Use the vehicle for racing, pace making, competitions, rallies, track days, trials or speed tests whether on the road, track, off road, land prepared for such use or the Nurburgring Nordschleife and whether the event is organised or informally arranged;
- Use the vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs;
- Drive the vehicle outside England, Scotland and Wales, unless we have given you written permission;
- Load the vehicle beyond the manufacturer’s maximum weight recommendations and make sure that the load is secured safely;
- If the vehicle is a commercial vehicle, use it for a purpose for which you need an operator’s licence if you do not have one.
- No towing is allowed
- **We can decide to terminate your hire midway through if you disobey speed limits or drive excessively recklessly**
Before you bring back the vehicle you must check that you have not left any personal belongings in the vehicle.
- Vehicles must always be returned back to us during opening hours unless otherwise agreed.
- We will not accept responsibility for vehicles damaged or stolen from outside our premises if dropped-off after hours.
- If we have agreed that you may return the vehicle outside business hours, you will remain responsible for the vehicle and its condition until it is re-inspected by us. Vehicles muse be returned between 9am and 11 am unless otherwise agreed.
- If you do not bring the vehicle back on time you are breaking the conditions of this agreement. We will charge a further £50 per hour if the vehicle runs over the agreed hire period. This charge will continue for every hour thereafter.
You will have to pay for reasonable costs of repair if:
We have to pay extra costs to return the vehicle to its condition when the pre-rental inspection was carried out (for
example, if extra valeting time or special material or equipment is needed to restore the vehicle to its pre-rental
- If the car is returned with an unacceptable state of cleanliness to the interior and/or exterior we will charge you a set £75 valeting charge which will be automatically deducted from your card.
- If the vehicle has been damaged whilst in your care and does not warrant an insurance claim, we will use a pre- authorisation amount from the security / damage deposit to fund the repair to the vehicle. We will show you quote comparisons for damage repair prior to work taking place.
Overseas travel:
With prior approval, it may be possible that our vehicles may be taken abroad, although there are restrictions regarding taking them into some countries. A surcharge will apply when taking a vehicle outside the U.K. and extra charges will be applied.
Our responsibilities:
We have maintained the vehicle to at the very least the manufacturer’s recommended standard. We keep full records of servicing, parts and maintenance work. All the cars in our collection are attended to by leading professionals at the top of their field.
If required all cars are MOT’d (some of a certain age do not require this – any car pre 1984)
We assure you that the vehicle is roadworthy and suitable for renting at the start of the rental period. Having been through rigorous checks.
In addition, if you are not renting the vehicle for business purposes, we are responsible for loss caused by:
The vehicle not matching our description of it;
- The vehicle not being of the quality that you would be entitled to expect from a rental vehicle;
- The vehicle not being fit to drive; or not having the legal right to rent out the vehicle.
- We are responsible if someone is injured or dies because of our negligent act, or failure to act.
- We are also responsible for losses you suffer because of us breaking this agreement. Losses are foreseeable
where you and we could contemplate them at the time the vehicle is rented. - We are not responsible for indirect losses which happen as a side effect of the main loss or damage and which are not foreseeable by you and us (such as loss of profits or loss of opportunity).
- If a vehicle breaks down we are at times obliged to offer and deliver a replacement vehicle and to recover the faulty vehicle free of charge. This vehicle may not be the same type but will be of a classic nature.
- We are not obliged to offer refunds in the event of breakdown if a replacement is supplied within good time of you notifying us of a break down.
We are not responsible for loss or damage to property left in the vehicle whilst in the care of the hirer.
We work out charges using our discretion and costs involved where relavant.
You will pay the following charges:
The rental and any other charges we work out according to the agreement;
Any charge for loss or damage due to you not keeping to your responsibilities;
A refuelling service charge if you have used and not replaced, the quantity of fuel that we supplied at the start of the original rental. The charge will be based on the current fuel rates;
All fines and court costs for parking, traffic, or other offences (including any costs which arise if the vehicle is clamped). You must pay the appropriate authority any fines and costs if and when the authority demands this payment. If you do not, you will be responsible to pay our reasonable administration charges, which arise when we deal with these matters on your behalf;
A loss-of-income charge, when we demand it, if we cannot rent out the vehicle because it needs to be repaired or it
is a write-off (can’t be repaired)
Any published rates for delivering and collecting the vehicle;
Value Added Tax and all other taxes on any of the charges listed above, as appropriate.
Miles are capped at 100 miles per day and will be charged at £3 per mile in excess of that limit. You are responsible for all charges, even if you have asked someone else to be responsible for them.
Ending the agreement:
If you are an individual, we will end this agreement straight away if we find out your belongings have been taken away from you to pay off your debts, or a receiving order has been made against you. We may end this agreement if you do not meet the main requirements of this agreement.
If you are a company, we will end this agreement straight away if:
You go into liquidation; You call a meeting of creditors;
We find out that your goods have been taken away from you until you pay off your debts; or
You do not meet any of the conditions of this agreement.
If we end this agreement it will not affect our right to receive any money we are owed under the conditions of this agreement.
We can also claim reasonable costs from you if you do not meet the main requirements of this agreement. We can repossess the vehicle (and charge you a reasonable amount) without using unreasonable force or causing damage.
Data Protection:
You agree that we may use any information you have given us to carry out our own market research. If you break the agreement we can give this information to credit reference agencies, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA), debt collectors and any other relevant organisation. Governing law: The law of the country in which it is signed governs this agreement. Any dispute may be settled in the courts of that country.
If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any Court of competent jurisdiction such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the provisions hereof shall continue in full force and effect as if this Agreement had been agreed with the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated.
Please note that cover is subject to the expiry date on the cover note. If the date and time is overlapped with the return of the vehicle, contact must be made with the hire company to extend cover to ensure continuation of insurance cover.
The Insurance cover is invalid if hire has been paid for in cash.
In signing this agreement you also agree to all terms and conditions specified and accept that we make take payment from the pre-authorised amount for additional charges and accept the vehicle as described in accompanying documentation.
Security / Damage Deposit:
A security / damage deposit will be required at the time of hire. This will be in the form of a credit or debit card payment link via SumUp or Stripe or Paypal. In the amount of rates below. (Stripe, Paypal and SumUp card charges apply to the hirer) This is protection for us against a hirer not taking care of our car (smashed wheel, cracked bumper, rips in seats, dented bodywork)
This is a standard feature of many hire contracts and is intended to encourage hirers to have a financial responsibility for our treasured classic vehicles. Deposits will be refunded to the hirer assuming no damage is caused after a thorough vehicle check by our workshop specialists. *Usually within 28 business days of the end of the hire term.
The deposit will be held by RNG Classics, if there has been proof of reckless driving, proof of breaking speed limits (we generally have a ‘two strikes you’re out’ rule) and general misuse of the car.
Or if after review in our workshop it has been identified that a hirer has broken a part, both mechanically or interior trim, seat, dash etc.
Any fine or congestion charge incurred including ULEZ fee will be deducted from the deposit if the car enters the zones. Or receives a parking fine or toll
We reserve the right to increase the security deposit for non-EU drivers and for drivers not satisfying the minimum requirements (subject to referral to our insurers). For non-UK licenses we have to add a layer of insurance because a DVLA check cannot be done. The cost varies but starts at £150 to a maximum of £300.
Security / damage deposit cost per car: |
Amount |
Porsche 911 Carerra SS, Ferrari 308, Ferrari 360, Merc 280SE |
£2500 |
Jaguar E -Type, Aston Martin V8 Volante and Vanquish, Cobra V8 |
£2500 |
Ford Mustang V8, Lotus Esprit, Porsche 928, Merc 280SL |
£1500 |
Aston Martin DB9 (Coupe or Volante) |
£2000 |
Porsche Speedster 356a, Citroen DS21, Audi RS4 |
£1500 |
Land Rover Series 3, Bentley GT, Golf GTi |
£1000 |
Rolls Royce Silver Shadow, Morris Minor
Range Rover P38, Jaguar XJS, Mini Cooper, Range Rover |
£1000 £1000 |
Gift Vouchers:
Gift vouchers are to be paid for in full at the time of purchase.
Gift vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of issue and are non transferrable. No refund can be issued once a gift voucher has been issued. Once purchased we can discuss how you use it against either one car, or maybe a few.